Insane Week 
Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 12:18 PM
This is going to be the week from hell for me. I have to travel back and forth 4 times between VT, NH, and MA for job interviews and school. Unfortunately that means I probably won't have time to up the Blog this week. If all goes well though, I'll have a new job and on the road to a better career.
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The Power Glove 
Monday, August 20, 2007, 07:29 PM

Remember the days when it was the cool thing to have? Well it is again, cause the Wii is using the SAME EXACT technology.
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Gone - No Updates 
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 10:03 AM
I'll be gone for the next few days on job interviews out of state, so no updates till at least Monday.
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Tip of the Day 
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 01:01 PM

Unlocking the Hard Difficulty in the 360 Bioshock Demo

From the Xbox 360 Dashboard, head into your Gamer Profile and select the Game Defaults option. Once in there, click on General and change the Difficulty option to "Hard." When you load up the BioShock demo, the previously unreachable Hard difficulty option will now be highlighted. If you accidentally hit the analog stick and move away from the Hard option (thus making it unreachable again), you can hit the B button to back out and give it another shot.
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Tabula Rasa's Opening 
Tuesday, August 14, 2007, 03:04 AM

I had to post a replacement for the Madden review, as the embeded IGN video just didn't want to work.
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3D Realms Wants Duke on Live Arcade 
Monday, August 13, 2007, 04:44 PM

Duke Nukem Forever may be taking forever, but 3D Realms has some other ideas for where gamers might be able to get their next dose of ass-kicking and bubble-gum chewing. In a comment over at ShackNews, 3DR owner George Broussard revealed that they want to port the classic Duke Nukem 3D to Xbox Live Arcade.

Responding to one poster's request that the company bring the title to Microsoft's downloadable games service, Broussard wrote:

"Truth be told, we've talked to Microsoft about it and have some people that would port it. Just waiting on the good word from Microsoft to continue."

Perhaps Microsoft's views have changed since last year, when in October 3DR's webmaster Joe Siegler griped about Microsoft's approval process. "You'd be surprised what they've turned down," he said at the time. "It's a rather complicated procedure, and MS is fairly picky about what goes on there."

The recent conversation was started by Broussard mentioning that his second Xbox 360 had just inherited the red rings of death. 1UP has contacted Microsoft to ask what the hold up is with 3DR's request, but as of press time we have not received a response.

Now are they just trying to milk a franchise or are they going to surprise us with some real DNF updates?
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Easy way to tell if your new 360 has HDMI 
Friday, August 10, 2007, 01:53 PM

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